Domestos case study

Domestos case study

Brand Introduction:

Domestos is one of Unilever’s cleaning brands which kills germs and bacteria in high-traffic areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. Domestos is the best seller in the disinfectant market of Iran.

The challenge:

During the COVID-19 pandemic hit, competition among manufacturers of household cleaning products surged. The challenge for Domestos's marketing team was to capture its well-deserved share of the growing market.

  • Exponentially growing competition due to COVID
  • The need to target decision-makers: Housewives
  • Standing out among tens of similar products

The solution:

Deema’s Campaign team took time to analyze the disinfectant target market. To increase visibility, Deema tested different strategies in the most used media and chose mobile applications to advertise as a great fit for their needs. Optimizations included experimentation with distribution order rules, targeting returning users, and launching different time campaigns. The selected core message was “the virus will be off any surface in 60 seconds with Domestos” and “Always the Champion” tagline to keep the brand position in the market.

These AB testing along with the bidding strategy optimization quickly improved the performance of Domestos campaign and drove outstanding results. Three video creative content were used customized to each media category and capacity (10 sec., 15sec., 25 sec.).

The result:

During the campaign, with media optimization, there was a dramatic growth in CTR. It started at 8.8% and ended at 16.8% which is considerably high in the world of digital advertising. As well, the average session duration on the landing page was 2.5X more at the end of the campaign compared to the starting point.

Final results:

  • +2M impressions in 1 month
  • +200K clicks
  • Average CTR 10%